Saturday, September 17, 2005
My daughter is feeling much better. She woke us up at the crack of dawn to tell us her fever was gone!! Yippeee!! I'm so happy for you honey, now let me get some sleep please!! The Dr. said she had tonsillitis and gave her some chewable antibiotics. We were on our vacation last fall when she had to swallow pill-form antibiotics.....lets just say the twice daily gagging episodes got old really fast so we threw the whole bottle in the trash and said a little prayer that she'd be ok. She was fine.
Pretty in Purple

The corset blouse is finally finished. I like the way it turned out. It was cumbersome to sew because the interfacing is so stiff. I had to manipulate the fabric quite a bit as it was being fed through the presser foot because it wanted to do it's own thing. I don't usually use pins when I sew, but on this one, I had to. It has a separating zipper in back (the eyelet trim in front is just for decoration).

Friday, September 16, 2005
SuperBoy & Sickypoo

SuperBoy found my new Sonicare toothbrush this morning and tried with all his might to open the package. He then declared, "If SuperBoy can't open this plastic package, with all his superpowers, how is he going to save the world from all the bad guys?" (the rolled up paper is his homemade light saber- he has a toy light saber but every toothbrush, stick or paper roll is a light saber too)
Sickypoo is whiny and very miserable today. We're going to go visit our favorite Dr. this morning. I hate seeing her so uncomfortable. Oh, SuperBoy drank out of her cup (he knows better, very frustrating) so I figure by Sunday, we'll have a SuperSickyPoo too.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
A merrily I sew, a merrily I sew, heigh-ho the dairy-o...

Typical wenches corset made of gold cotton damask, boning and fully lined with silk.
And here we have the lovely Genevieve modeling this seasons new animal print, glittery chiffon sash adorned with faux leather trim. Isn't it just stunning on her? Brings out the highlights in her fur...
A pair of shimmery black knickers with eyelet trim... These are to be worn with the sash tied at the low waistline.

A corset blouse I'm currently working on. It goes with the shimmery pants and sash. It still needs the sleeves and finishing trim. It's made of crushed velvet and fully lined. It's giving me fits...I work on it for a while, curse it, toss it aside and work on other things while I regain the strength to get back to it.
Car Snob and Mommy, I hurt!
Seems the convertible top had a leak in it. Not good when we're coming up on the rainy fall season. As an astute southern scholar once said, "That there's some rain, comin' down like cow patties on a flat rock!" Nope, that just won't do. So we took it back to the dealership. They're ordering a new top for it and replacing it for free. Maybe we should have bought that practical Passat we were looking at after all. Course, this one was cheaper and much more fun. It's a 2001 and aparrently was very babied. Right now, I don't know who the baby is, the car or my husband....I thought he was going to cry when he found out he had to drive a sedan for 10 days. Pity the poor little people who have to drive minivans forever!
My daughter has a fever of 102.6 and is complaining that her head hurts, throat hurts, ears hurt, feet hurt, fingers hurt, kneecaps hurt, elbows hurt, eyelashes hurt, ...... now I'm beginning to hurt. She's staying home from school today. I should've known something was wrong when she didn't want her happy meal last night.
My daughter has a fever of 102.6 and is complaining that her head hurts, throat hurts, ears hurt, feet hurt, fingers hurt, kneecaps hurt, elbows hurt, eyelashes hurt, ...... now I'm beginning to hurt. She's staying home from school today. I should've known something was wrong when she didn't want her happy meal last night.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Hubby's New Car
Well, he thinks this is his new car, when really it's mine. I'm just forced to drive the minivan because it's illegal to put my kids in the trunk.....shhhh....don't tell him!! It looks exactly like this one (minus the foreign plates). I sure love driving it. No, seriously, he loves it too!

Genevieve My Scottish Fold
She follows me everywhere I go. I love this little girl. She is spunky, funny, loving, talkative, and very prissy. We're down to one kitty right now. Simon passed away from old age and Stuart from bone marrow cancer. I think we'll just stick with Ginny for now. She's so territorial, I don't think she'd tolerate another cat. It's just a calico thing.

Day One

Day one of my new blog. I thought I would post pictures of the costumes as I go along. This has been a very taxing journey but I always enjoy a challenge! I have 14 days left to finish all the costumes for the haunt...
The "pimp hat" Anne's wearing (left) gave her fits and she's threatening not to wear it at the haunt. It's not balanced properly and falls off to one side and hangs open whenever she bends over... I have some work ahead of me trying to figure out how to make it less irritating to wear.
Judy's corset vest is made out of faux leather. It's very cool. It was not as difficult to sew as I expected it to be. It zips from the bottom up in back and is fully lined.