Vine Sphinx, AKA Hummingbird Moth

I saw one of these when we first moved here and it really freaked me out. It was evening, and I had stepped outside onto the porch to water my flowers when I heard this noise that sounded like a hummingbird in flight. Then I saw it hovering over a Mandevilla flower drinking nectar. "How strange," I thought, "a hummingbird at night?" When I realized it was a really gave me the willies. I've since learned to take our giant bugs in stride and am actually fascinated by them. I found this dead one in the garage today. I think I'll save it and let my daughter take it to her Gardening meeting after school tomorrow. I apologize for the poor quality photo. My digital camera doesn't do close-ups very well. Here's a web site with beautiful photos of hummingbird moths:
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